Royal Kitchen and Bathroom, Quartz and Granite Countertops.

Facts You Didn’t Know About Granite Countertops

Albert Garcia • Sep 05, 2017

When it comes to granite countertops, there are a few facts you probably know well. For example, you are probably aware of the fact that granite countertops are one of the most popular choices for both the kitchen and the bathroom, and you may know that it is beautiful and durable. However, there are also probably many things about granite that have escaped you. In this blog, we will go over some facts about granite that you probably didn’t know!

No Two Countertops Are Alike

Believe it or not, granite is one of the hardest substances in the world. In fact, it is second only to diamonds, which do not make much sense as a countertop material as granite, which means that granite is the toughest substance you can have for your kitchen or bathroom. Granite’s toughness is exemplified by the fact that it has been used in construction since the Ancient Egyptians. It is so strong, the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty is made out of it!

Granite is A Bit Radioactive

This is a fact that people tend to blow out of proportion, but yes, granite emits a small amount of radon. This is nothing to worry about because it emits less than even the soil found in your garden does. If you have heard people express concerns about granite countertops and radioactivity, they are not well-informed on the issue. There is no reason to worry about it; it is perfectly safe to have granite countertops in your home.

Granite Has a Long History

Granite is actually the oldest igneous rock on Earth. For those who may have forgotten their earth science, “igneous” means that it is formed underground from magma or lava. It is estimated that it may have first formed as long as 300 million years ago. In fact, granite makes up part of the earth’s continental crust!

Some Colors are More Common Than Others

If you are looking for certain colors of granite, some are going to be more expensive and harder to find than others. For example, the rarest granite colors are blue and red. If you are deadset on these colors, you may have to pay more for them. If you are looking for a more readily available color, the most common color is sand.

If you are ready to install granite countertops in your Marietta home, Royal Granite is ready to give you the royal treatment we provide all of our customers. From design to installation, we can help you with every element of countertop installation. We are proud to be Georgia’s leading provider of granite countertops! Contact us today for a free in-home estimate!

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